Tips For A Successful Move With Your Pet

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people moving out of home with pets

Moving to a new home or office can be extremely stressful and confusing for your pets. Here are some tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible for them.

Why is moving house stressful for dogs and cats?

Dogs and cats are creatures of habit. They like routine and familiarity. When you move house, everything changes for your pet – their surroundings, their routine, their daily walks… Even the most outgoing and confident dogs and cats can find all this change stressful.

How can you make moving house easier for your dog or cat? 

There are some steps you can take to make the transition a little easier for pets – before, during and after the move. 

Before the move

You should begin preparing your pet for relocation ahead of time. If you have access to the new house prior to moving day, it’s a good idea to take your pet there for a visit and sniff around. Giving your pet a treat or feeding them a meal at their new home can help them get accustomed to their surroundings.

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Contact your vet

If you are relocating outside of your city, notify your vet so that you can take records and obtain any necessary medicines for your pet. You might also inquire whether they have a suggestion for another vet in the area where you will be moving.

Ensure the fence is secure and your pet cannot escape 

If you have a cat or dog, you’ll need to make sure your new home is equipped with the appropriate fencing and your animals can be properly secured in your home. Introduce them to the premises gradually by allowing them to explore the garden for short periods of time while being watched.

On moving day

It is best to keep your pet in a quiet room during the move to reduce their stress levels. Make sure this room is well ventilated and has food, water, and a litter tray if you have a cat.

Ensure your pet is microchipped and wearing a collar with ID tags in case they accidentally escape during the move. 

If possible, designate one person to be responsible for your pet on moving day so that they can check on them regularly and make sure their needs are being met.

Take your pet in your vehicle 

If possible, take your pet in your own vehicle rather than putting them in the moving truck. This will help reduce their stress levels as they will be in a familiar environment with someone they know and trust.

With that said, make sure your pet is secure in your vehicle. It can be illegal for a dog or cat to be unrestrained in the front of your car, especially if they could distract you from driving or get between you and the wheel. 

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After you move in

Give your pet time to adjust to their new surroundings. Allow them to explore the house and garden at their own pace. If you took them for a visit to the new place before moving day, this step should be a lot less stressful!

Be patient with your pet – they may exhibit some stress-related behaviours such as excessive panting, drooling, pacing or shaking. These behaviours are normal and should settle down after a few days. 

If your pet is still finding it difficult to adjust, speak to your vet about possible ways to help relieve their stress.

Hire a removalist 

Hiring a professional removalist firm may make moving day go more smoothly and be less stressful. Hiring a removalist company to handle everything for you also means that you’ll have more time to carefully check on your pets during the transfer. 

Although pet movers are available, travelling with others may cause your pets significant stress, especially if it is a lengthy trip.

Following these tips will help reduce the stress for you and your pet when moving house. A little patience and understanding will go a long way in making sure the transition is as smooth as possible for your furry friend.

If you want to make your moving day easier and less stressful, consider hiring Gentle Giant Removals and Relocations. We can assist you with the heavy lifting, from packing up your belongings to loading them into the truck. 

Contact one of our expert removalist today! or get a free estimate now!